10 January 2021
Milk is the first edible stuff that you consume and right from childhood, you are always instructed to drink milk for good health. Milk is not only an inexpensive widely available drink but is packed with enormous health benefits. It is preached that milk is rich in nutrients like calcium, phosphorus potassium, Vitamin B and D and a good source of protein.
Milk keeps the bones and muscles strong, it possesses anti-ageing properties, prevents weight gain and boosts weight loss. Moreover, it is great for dental health, as well. Let’s find out how are milk and milk products good for dental health.
How is milk good for dental health?
According to the National Institute of Health(NIH), 99% of the calcium in the body is locked in our teeth and bones. Milk is loaded with calcium, and one cup of milk is loaded with approximately 300 milligrams of calcium. Being rich in calcium, it makes teeth stronger, protects the enamel, strengthens the jaw bone to hold the natural teeth for a lifetime and also combats tooth decay. This is the reason that milk is necessary for the children to develop a healthy set of teeth and ideal for adults to maintain good dental health.
Milk is crucial for teeth, but at the same time, if you consume milk saturated with too much sugar, it could be unhealthy too, especially for the kids. Too much of sugar is injurious to the teeth.
Sometimes people don’t like milk, or they are lactose intolerant. In such cases, you can consume milk products or dairy products that are packed with nutrients and calcium.
Let’s ponder on which milk products are good for teeth and how.
Dairy products are also rich in calcium and proteins. These products contain calcium and phosphorous, which combine with the protein called casein that forms a protective layer on the enamel. Casein leads to prevention of demineralization of teeth and also inhibits the bacterial formation. Sugary foods and carbonated drinks release acid in the mouth that contaminate the teeth by the bacterial formation and damaging the enamel. But the protective layer formed on the enamel combats the decay caused by the bacteria, and repairs the tooth enamel that is affected by these acids.
It is also proposed that one must drink milk after the consumption of sugary foods to lower the acidic levels in the mouth and protect the teeth. Although many foods are rich in calcium milk is always considered the best because it has other nutrients as well.
Consumption of cheese increases the production of saliva in the mouth. Saliva acts as a defence in the mouth that combats the bacterial buildup and plaque in the mouth. Contrarily, when you consume carbonated drinks or alcohol, the mouth is dried, and saliva production is reduced, hence it renders the teeth vulnerable to infections.
As cheese leads to the production of saliva, saliva washes away the residue food particles in the mouth. Along with the strengthening the teeth, it also whitens them. Hard cheese also reduces the risk of enamel erosion and cavities.
Yogurt is a good alternative for milk, and it is said that yogurt contains more calcium than an equal quantity of milk. Also, the consumption of yogurt reduces the number of salivary mutans streptococci that are a source of dental plaque. Probiotics found in yogurt strengthen the gums and removes the cavity-forming bacteria. It is essential to consume low sugar and low-fat yogurt for better results.
It proves that milk and dairy products are essential for healthy teeth. Having discussed the importance of dairy products for good dental health, it is also necessary that you practice good oral hygiene like brushing and flossing of teeth, avoiding foods that harm your teeth and taking the necessary precautions for tooth decay. Protection of natural teeth is vital, and calcium-rich dairy products are the promoters of strong teeth and ideal oral hygiene.