
What are the Major Symptoms of Bruxism?

Do you have a painful jaw that you are unaware of? If yes, then you may have Bruxism. In reality, Bruxism affects about 30% of people worldwide. The main point is that numerous people are unaware of it. If left untreated, Bruxism may cause significant damage to your teeth and jaw, so it’s critical to What are the Major Symptoms of Bruxism?

What are the Causes of Teeth Discoloration?

The staining of your teeth may look like it occurred overnight, but chances are you have been introducing something to your teeth slowly over time that has darkened them. Almost all tooth discoloration can be attributed to repeated exposure to staining ingredients or health issues. Dental trauma is the exception to this rule. Does the What are the Causes of Teeth Discoloration?

What are the Main Causes of Bad Breath?

Bad breath, also known as Halitosis, occurs due to poor dental habits. It also indicates additional health problems. Furthermore, diet and other unhealthy lifestyle choices also add to bad breath issues. You have to take the necessary steps to prevent and treat Halitosis at home and with the help of your dentist.   How can What are the Main Causes of Bad Breath?

Why Are Regular Dental Examinations Important?

Routine dental examinations are an important aspect of preventative health care.   The dentist or hygienist will clean your teeth and examine for tooth decay and gum disease during a dental examination. The examination involves an assessment of your risk of developing additional oral disorders as well as a visual examination of your face, neck and mouth Why Are Regular Dental Examinations Important?