Dentures give you a healthy smile: Dentistry is all about flaunting that confident, healthy, beautiful smile and is important even for people wearing dentures. We provide personalized denture services that meet the needs, comfort levels and requirements of our patients. We treat each patient differently and uniquely and we create one-of-a-kind dentures that feel good and look natural.
What are dentures? They are nothing but natural-looking replacement teeth that are removable. Dentures are two types: full and partial.
Full dentures: Full dentures are meant for patients when all of the natural teeth have been removed or lost. The conventional full dentures are fitted after the gum tissue has healed which can take several months. Then there are immediate full dentures that are placed immediately after the teeth have been removed and may require frequent minor adjustments from time to time during the initial months.
Partial dentures: The partial dentures are fixed to a metal frame that is connected and supported by your natural teeth and is used to fill in the gaps where permanent teeth have been removed or lost. Partial dentures are considered a removable alternative to bridges and crowns.
How do I know if dentures are the right choice for me? Dentures are not for everyone and are dependent on the individual case and symptoms. If you feel that you need to learn more about dentures and you want to know if they are the best for you, please schedule an appointment. Our dedicated team will be happy to answer your questions and can propose the best course of treatment for you.
Caring for your dentures: Dentures, similar to natural teeth, require daily maintenance to remain clean and prevent bacteria from growing in your mouth. Always keep your dentures clean and your smile healthy by following the below steps:
- Handle them carefully: When holding your dentures, stand on a clean towel or a sink full of water. This might prevent damage to your dentures if you accidentally drop them, so they are less likely to break.
- Brush them daily: Your dentures are vulnerable to plaque and tartar so you must brush your dentures every day. Use a soft-bristled brush and gently brush the surfaces of the dentures and be careful and cautious not to break or bend them. And between brushings it is vital to rinse your dentures after each meal just to keep them clean.
- Clean them with an appropriate solution: Remove your dentures and use a mild and gentle cleanser to clean your dentures. Toothpaste, household cleaners, and mouthwash can be too hard on your dentures, so it is recommended that you use mild dish soap to get your dentures clean. And before you buy any dentures ensure you check for the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval that are safe for your dentures, or alternatively you could ask your dentist about which products may be best suited for you.
- Keep them moist when not in use: They need to be kept moist when not used. Dentures that are not moist or soaked in water can dry out, tend to lose their shape, or even crack and break. There are certain dentures that need certain soaking solutions, so ensure you ask your dentist which solution is best suited for you.
- Clean your gums and tongue everyday: If you have dentures, it is vital to keep your gums and tongue clean always. Make it a point to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently clean your gums and tongue every day without fail.
- If you break them contact your dentist immediately: And if your dentures break, please contact your dentist and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Broken dentures that don’t fit properly can cause irritation and inconvenience to your gums and mouth. Also, remember to regularly visit your dentist every six months or even less to make sure that your smile stays healthy for as long as you live!