This is a process of straightening the teeth without the use of metal braces. They are removable and pull the disoriented tooth back into its position. They are made by SmartTrack material. This invisalign can also be used to correct conditions like overbite, underbite, crossbite and openbite. Invisalign braces are used mostly in adults where there is not much of a correction whereas the metal braces are used for people with severely crooked teeth.


A word of caution and symptoms: The invisalign braces could cause some severe discomfort and soreness; however it is a lot better than the conventional metal braces. The invisalign braces typically cost around INR 1.5 lacs to INR 3.5 lacs. Always remember to remove your invisalign braces before you eat anything. They are not that durable and might get damaged if you eat with them. It is to be noted that the invisalign may cause some harm like nausea, dryness of mouth, headaches, and in some cases there is a swelling of the eyes, fatigue and soreness.