dental care
14 September 2019
Black Teeth Causes and Treatment to Handle the Problem – Elite Dental Care Tracy
Tooth discoloration is observed very frequently in many people, it has negative influence on their quality of life. When we meet somebody the first thing we observe in them is their smile and the teeth.
As an experienced doctor I say the color of our teeth speaks about our oral health maintenance.
Initially the color of the teeth slowly turns into yellow indicating that our tooth is falling sick. If it is left untreated it leads to a serious problem.
Unfortunately, our routine food habits can become major reasons for causing black teeth.
Some Facts about Black-teeth:
Black teeth:
Black teeth are a serious problem that has to be treated immediately. It is a symptom of disease beneath the gums.
Calcium is the important substance, that gives color to the teeth.
Generally, the teeth color changes into whitish -yellow or whitish Grey.
As soon as the teeth starts changing the color, it is important to take action and see your dental doctor.
There is a strong outer layer called Enamel that protects the roots and gums of the teeth.
As the age grows enamel layer thins and dentin gets exposed, which makes the teeth appear darker.

Black teeth
Black teeth cause:
There are two main reasons that darkens the teeth:
Extrinsic: Tooth gets damaged due to external factors like the food we eat, improper maintenance of oral health which damages the enamel and blackens the teeth due to the exposure of dentin.
Intrinsic: damage of the teeth starts from inside the roots of the teeth and blows out. It is not noticeable in the initial stage.
Some of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors that affect the teeth are listed below:
- Poor Oral Hygiene is one of the main reasons for blackening of teeth.
- Consuming more acidic things like tobacco, red wine, strongly colored food causes the changes in the color of teeth.
- Tartar is formed on the teeth which is a thick and hard deposit of plaque that forms below the gum line.
- Some tartar is black in color that blackens our teeth.
- Dental restorations like fillings and crowns contain amalgam and silver sulfide that blackens the teeth.
- Cavities are one of the type of bacteria that are formed on the teeth and if they are not treated, they leave holes on the teeth which blackens the teeth gradually.
- Taking certain medications like liquid iron supplements leads to blackening of teeth.
Black teeth Symptoms:
Black teeth start as spots on the teeth that show up in brown or gray color initially.
These black spots are seen in the pinpoint areas at top of the teeth or below the jaw line.
We have to observe mostly inside of front lower teeth and outside of the molar teeth as the color initially starts changing from the bottom side of the teeth.
Black teeth treatment:
Black teeth are treated as per the diagnosis of the exact cause.
Below mentioned are few causes and treatments for black teeth:
If it is caused due to cavity then the doctor will clean the portion of the cavity and heal the black teeth.
If the holes are created due to cavities the dentist will clean and fill the holes.
If the cavities have reached the second layer of the teeth, then doctor removes the portion and fills it with crown over the top of the tooth.
Black teeth prevention:
Black teeth can be avoided with a healthy oral hygiene
Avoid acidic, sweet,colored foods, bad habits like smoking tobacco, cigars and drinking alcohol.
Cleaning and flossing the teeth at-least one time a day helps prevention of black-teeth.
Blackness in the teeth does not shoot up suddenly so we have to be careful and observe the changes happening in our oral health.
Even if there is a small disturbance in teeth immediately take action and see your dental doctor and seek his advice.