oral health

Wisdom teeth Removal and Recovery

An Intro    Wisdom teeth removal and recovery is a subject that many people are interested in today. Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that typically erupt in the late teens or early twenties. While some people get through life without their wisdom teeth ever needing to be removed, for others, Wisdom teeth Removal and Recovery

Impacted Wisdom teeth -Symptoms and Causes

An Introduction to Wisdom Teeth    Wisdom teeth are the last set of adult teeth to develop and normally emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. Impacted wisdom teeth are a common dental condition that can cause a variety of symptoms and complications. If wisdom teeth become impacted, meaning they are stuck and cannot Impacted Wisdom teeth -Symptoms and Causes

How Long Does Oral Surgery Last?

Introduction to Oral Surgery    Oral surgery is a special type of dental surgery that involves the teeth and jaws, and it can be performed for a variety of reasons. The procedure can range from minor tooth extractions to complex jaw reconstructions, and the length of the procedure will depend on the complexity of the How Long Does Oral Surgery Last?

What are Dental Implants?

  Dental implants are one of the most popular and effective solutions for teeth replacement. They are a great alternative to dentures and bridges, providing a permanent and secure replacement for missing teeth.    What are Dental Implants?    Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are placed into a person’s jawbone to hold a What are Dental Implants?

What are MouthGaurds used for?

Intro    What are Mouthguards?    Mouthguards are protective dental tools usually made of plastic or rubber that are worn to protect your teeth and gums from trauma. They come in different shapes, sizes, and materials and can be used to treat various dental concerns. From recreational use to professional sports, mouthguards play an important What are MouthGaurds used for?

Deciduous vs Permanent Teeth

Introduction    When it comes to our teeth, there are two main types: deciduous and permanent. Each type of tooth has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, so it can be helpful to understand the pros and cons of each before deciding which type of tooth is best for your individual needs.    What are Deciduous vs Permanent Teeth

Adult Braces FAQs

Are you considering braces for yourself or for a loved one? With the advancement of orthodontic technology, braces are no longer just for the younger set. Adults now have access to the same treatments, albeit with a few differences.     But are braces right for you? Here are some of the most commonly asked questions Adult Braces FAQs

Front tooth Replacement Procedure

An Intro    When it comes to front tooth replacement, there are a variety of procedures available to restore your smile. From dental implants to bridges and more, each procedure offers unique benefits and drawbacks depending on your particular situation and needs.     In this blog, we will explore the various types of front tooth Front tooth Replacement Procedure

Why should you go for regular dental checkups?

Overview    Regular dental care is essential for maintaining good oral health. Not only does it help prevent cavities and other dental problems, but it also helps detect and treat any existing dental issues before they become serious. Regular dental check-ups can also help prevent gum diseases, which can lead to tooth loss, and help Why should you go for regular dental checkups?

Wisdom Tooth Removal. When is it Necessary?

It’s a common question among adults: when is it time to consider wisdom tooth removal? The answer depends on various factors, such as the individual’s overall dental health and the positioning of the teeth. Fortunately, there are many signs that can alert you to the need for wisdom tooth extraction.     In this article, we’ll Wisdom Tooth Removal. When is it Necessary?