10 August 2019
Five Best Ways To Stop Bleeding Gums And The Benefits – Elite Dental Care Tracy
Bleeding gums is a very common problem in people of all ages, but it signifies that our tooth are loosing their strength.
As a “full body-suit keeps us cozy,warm and protected from cold, our gums shields our teeth in the same way.
It is important to maintain a healthy gums and always observe and treat the changes in the gums.
Many patients come to our hospital with the problem of bleeding gums, I recommend these enlisted five steps to be strictly followed, these helps us avoid or stop the bleeding gums.
- Healthy Lifestyle and diet:
For good oral health it is important to maintain healthy lifestyle and diet. One should take good diet which is rich in proteins, minerals and Vitamins
For example fresh vegetables and fruits.
Do not adopt smoking or drinking which is extremely harmful to oral health.
Increased stress levels also cause bad oral health. Trying to practice being peaceful for oral health and overall health.
- Practice good Oral Health:
Try to brush twice a day with fluoride rich toothpaste. Use Inter-dental brush that is soft and flexible which reaches to the corners and into the gaps between the teeth, because bacteria, plaque are formed in such gaps where nobody can even see or sense it.
Electronic brushes are recommendable nowadays.
After brushing spit out the extra toothpaste and wash the mouth thoroughly after a while so that the fluoride stays on the teeth and protects it.
- Regular Dental Visits:
As we book appointments for the service of our vehicles very often dental appointments are also very important.
Even if we observe any small abnormality in our dental health we need to visit the dentist and take the needed precautions.
There is a common saying which says “Prevention is always better than cure”.
To prevent complications and stay in a healthy lifestyle it is important to regularize our dental visits as and when there is a symptom or sign of any complication.
- Increase intake of Vitamin “C” and “K”:
Deficiency of these vitamins “C” and “K” are also one of the reasons for bleeding gums.
To naturally cure this problem more intake of Vitamin “C” and “K” will be one of the best solutions.
Intake of more Vitamin “C” helps to fight off the gum diseases like bleeding gums as it strengthens the immune system.
Foods like Oranges, Potatoes, red peppers and carrots etc are rich in Vitamin C.
Intake of Vitamin “K” helps helps the blood to clot and prevents more bleeding.
It mitigates bleeding gums.
Foods like Spinach,collard greens, mustard greens and Kale etc are rich in Vitamin “K”.
Supplements for these both Vitamins can be taken under the supervision of the doctor.
- Important practices for good oral health:
Reduce intake of Carbohydrates which increases inflammation of teeth.
Try to rinse your moth with warm salt water, fluoride rich liquids like Listerine, Hydrogen Peroxide which prevents the formation of bacteria, plaque and hence reduces inflammation of gums and gingivitis.
Increase intake of Green tea on daily basis as it has the charm to reverse the periodontal disease.
There is a saying that says “If a patient cannot clean his teeth, no dentist can clean them for him” which explains that dentist will professionally help us cleaning the tooth in our scheduled dental visits but the patient should have the extra care for cleaning the teeth on daily basis and maintain oral health as suggested by his/her dentists.
This helps the doctor to improve or cure the oral health of the patients.
Always maintain the mouth and body with healthy food style. Always keep observing on what is happening in the mouth and the body.
Do not wait until the problem becomes very serious and leads to major health problems.
React immediately to the changes happening in the body and give the required treatment.
Healthy Teeth, beautiful smile.
– Dr.Singh at The Elite Dental Care from Tracy