20 May 2020
Inflammatory Arthritis and Health – Elite Dental Care Tracy
Are your suffering from joint pains, not able brush or open your mouth?
Do not neglect, Consult your dentist who have experience in treating dental arthritis and seek for treatment before it becomes serious.
What is inflammatory arthritis?
Inflammatory arthritis is a category of conditions that affects your immune system. It is a chronic autoimmune disease.
The over-reactive immune system plays the role of germs, viruses, and other foreign substances and attacks the tissues of its own body and causes joint pains, stiffness in the body, and body pains.
It may lead to permanent disability.
Three types of arthritis that commonly occur:
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Psoriatic Arthritis.
It affects people of all ages and mostly occurs in females than males the reason is not known why
How does it affect our oral health?
The pain caused due to these inflammatory diseases does not allow patients to brush or floss the teeth.
Key points on how inflammatory arthritis affects oral health:
- Sjogren’s syndrome is one of inflammatory arthritis that affects our dental health.
- This condition affects the salivary gland interrupting the secretion of saliva, resulting in the dry mouth occupied by cavities, difficulty in eating, and sometimes results in tooth loss.
- Many types of oral infections may take place:
- Swelling around the tooth, or the jawbone due to bacterial infections causes fever and swollen nodes around the jaw.
- Clusters or white substance forms inside, on the walls of the cheeks or on the tongue.
- We have an important joint called the temporomandibular joint that allows the mouth to open and close. If arthritis affects this joint, it will be painful and difficult to open the mouth.
- Sores and mouth ulcers are most common due to arthritis they appear inside the mouth, on the lips or the tongue.
- We can see them on the lips as they appear in a red, yellow, or pale colour, and sometimes we can observe bleeding from the lips.
Symptoms Of Arthritis:
Arthritis indicates
- Joint pains
- Stiffness in the body after inactivity.
- Swelling or warmth feeling in the affected joints.
- Inflammation in different parts like lungs, skin, heart, etc. of the body.
- Gingivitis
- Mild swelling in gums followed by gum diseases.=
- Periodontitis
- Inflammation arthritis affects the bone and tissue that supports the teeth.
Dental Treatment of Inflammation Arthritis:
Identify the symptoms and seek help from concerned doctors to perform reliable tests and confirm the type of disease.
A dental prophylaxis is a treatment in dentistry for dental arthritis.
Doctors conduct tests in three sittings: First visit (T0),
The second visit is after two weeks (T2), and the third visit is after 3 months (T3).
Stages in treatment:
Professional teeth cleaning
Dental scaling
Dental polishing
This treatment detects the plaque, removal of supra, and subgingival calculus, and plaque.
The treatment has two stages:
Group A is testing, and
Group B is the stage of control.
Disease extent assesses using a disease activity score based on 28 joint counts (DAS-28), considering the swelling and tenderness in the joints of hands, knees, and arms.
DAS-28 measures the RA disease activity, general health assessment on a visual analogue scale, and acute phase reactant.
The questionnaire for health assessment, includes five disable extents like pain, medication effects, costs of care, and mortality.
Doctors identify the qualitative and quantitative growth of bacterial infections using molecular genetic methods.
Gingival crevicular fluid, saliva, and stool samples are collected to conduct the above tests.
Drug dosages vary between the two groups, and they are either increased or decreased for better assessments.
Few important Preventions:
- Schedule regular dental check-ups for professional cleaning of the teeth.
- Brush and floss your teeth twice daily to keep away the dentist.
- Observe your oral health, and watch out for any symptoms of gingivitis, red gums, or swelling in joints.
- Try to avoid foods that develop tooth decay, inflammation, gingivitis. For example, junk, starchy, sticky, coloured foods are harmful to oral health.
- Do not use tobacco products, cigarettes, that endangers your gums.
- Use professional dental products for oral hygiene.
Maintain good oral care to prevent dental inflammation arthritis.
Extra care and attentiveness can help people maintain good oral health along with inflammation arthritis.