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1 October 2022
Stages of Gum Diseases
Gums are supportive soft tissue holding the teeth, roots, and bones of the jaw together. They help in protecting the teeth and bones from infection caused due to bacteria.
Gum diseases are caused due to unhygienic dental care habits and improper maintenance of oral health. Thus, proper maintenance of teeth and gums with regular dental checkups can keep any kind of gum disease at bay.
Different types of gum diseases
There are two basic types of gum diseases, namely, Gingivitis and Periodontitis. Gum disease in the initial stages is called gingivitis. While the slightly advanced condition of gums is called periodontitis. Both these are a result of bad dental care and can be treated if identified early.
Different Stages of Gum Diseases
Since these conditions of gums are stages of the same disease, the symptoms of each stage vary. Here are the stages of this gum disease and its likely symptoms.
Stage 1
This is the initial stage of gum disease and the symptoms are not as apparent. The gums look healthy but there could be a slight bit of bleeding once in a while. If the bleeding is noticed early and is treated by a professional dentist the growth of the infection can be halted.
Stage 2
This is the stage of early gingivitis where the infection and the symptoms are visible. The plaque builds up on the gum line and causes swelling and redness. This is the first stage of gingivitis and with noticeable symptoms. Regular bleeding and pain in the gums can be experienced in this stage and hence a dentist consultation is advised. The dentist will clean and remove the plaque on the teeth and gums. This is a reminder to amp up the dental care routine by flossing every day.
Stage 3
This stage is a result of untreated gingivitis. It is advanced gingivitis and the initial stages of periodontitis. In this stage, the plaque build-up on the teeth hardens and the gums become pale in color. The blood supply is reduced in this stage which is quite apparent from the color of the gums.
Bad breath is also one of the symptoms of this stage of gum disease.
Stage 4
This stage of the disease can be called the moderate stage of periostitis. In this stage, the gum line starts receding and the enamel of the teeth gets exposed. This causes sharp pain and also the bone structure beneath the gums starts getting damaged. This stage is relatively serious as the patient runs the risk of tooth loss. This stage calls for immediate dentist consultation.
Stage 5
This is the advanced stage of periodontitis where the teeth and the bone structure are damaged and the teeth start loosening. The treatment for this at this stage of periodontitis is surgery and medication.
With symptoms like plaque build-up, bad breath, and gum bleeding, one is advised to consult a dentist and take the required treatment for the infection. Neglected symptoms can lead to serious cases of periodontitis.