american dental association recommendations

Basics of Tooth Brushing in 5 points

A proper dental care routine is the most important step in having healthy oral health. And the basic step is brushing your teeth daily. Since this step is so basic, it is largely neglected and the technique is not given enough importance. This blog post talks about the basics of tooth brushing in 5 points.  Basics of Tooth Brushing in 5 points


Brushing the teeth is one of the basic dental hygiene routines to keep the mouth, teeth and gums clean and germ-free. When you sleep at night, the harmful bacteria in the mouth feed on the debris and form plaque that settles on the teeth and the gums. Hence it is necessary to brush your teeth HOW OFTEN SHOULD YOU REPLACE YOUR TOOTHBRUSH?


Do you feel hesitant to smile and show your crowded or misaligned teeth in public? Do you find it uncomfortable to chew your food or speak because of the misaligned or crowded teeth? It is one of the common issues, especially among teenagers. Crowded teeth are majorly due to improper oral health during childhood or REINVENT YOUR SMILE WITH INVISALIGN

How to Manage Your Teen’s Dental Health Habits – Elite Dental Care Tracy

dental health

Of all the health issues common to adolescents, dental health has not seemed to receive much attention. Tobacco use, sexually transmitted infections, and type II diabetes can manifest in the mouth, and many of these lesions mimic other illnesses. Typically, a young teen has about 28 off 32 permanent teeth, excluding the last 4 teeth How to Manage Your Teen’s Dental Health Habits – Elite Dental Care Tracy