Root Canal Treatment

Stained Teeth Cleaning Procedure

What are the Stained Teeth?  The color of one’s teeth is determined by both natural and hereditary factors. Dentin is the coating that is primarily responsible for the darkening of the teeth. Dentin is really yellow-brown in color and is surrounded by an extremely hard coating called enamel, which is white in color. The blue, pink, or yellowish Stained Teeth Cleaning Procedure

Wisdom Tooth Extraction & Aftercare: Everything You Need to Know!

Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of one or more of your wisdom teeth, which are the four permanent adult teeth positioned at the top and bottom of your mouth.  Rinsing, spitting, hot drinks, and anything else that might remove the blood clots that develop in the open tooth socket should Wisdom Tooth Extraction & Aftercare: Everything You Need to Know!

How does Losing Tooth relate to Dementia?

Did you know that restoring missing teeth might reduce your chances of developing dementia? A new study has shown a relationship between missing teeth and dementia development. You are less prone to get the neurological disorder if you have more teeth. If you have dementia, fixing your missing teeth with dental restorations may help reduce How does Losing Tooth relate to Dementia?

Steps to Follow If You Break Your Front Tooth

Broken front tooth is one of the most traumatic dental injuries. A broken front tooth makes it difficult to eat and speak, not to mention the shame of losing such an important component of your smile.  The period following the break or loss of a front tooth necessitates prompt decisions based on sound knowledge. There Steps to Follow If You Break Your Front Tooth


Mouth ulcers are small, painful lesions developed in the mouth, usually at the base of your gums. These are also known as canker sores that cause discomfort in eating, chewing, speaking and drinking. Mouth sores are small but uncomfortable lesions on the lips, cheeks, tongue, esophagus and the floor of the mouth. Mouth ulcers range in size MOUTH ULCERS


Have you experienced a sudden headache while suffering from a severe toothache? It usually happens that when you have teeth sensitivity or pain in a tooth, it further leads to jaw pain, earache and headache. There is a connection between your toothache and headache discussed in detail below.    There are many causes for toothache like cavities, HOW IS TOOTHACHE RELATED TO YOUR HEADACHE


The best ornament you can wear and the most expensive luxury you own is your smile. Your smile is the one that drives people towards you and spreads positivity around. When a smile could be so powerful, how can you afford not to express it? Yet people shy away from smiling owing to dental imperfections like DEBUNKING THE MYTHS ABOUT COSMETIC DENTISTRY


Do you breathe via nose? Or do you breathe through your mouth? Have a check on your respiratory habits. The nose and mouth are the two passages for the airflow to the lungs. The nostrils in the nose filter out the air you breathe and inhales oxygen for the body to survive and exhale carbon HOW TO STOP MOUTH BREATHING?


Dental health is a crucial aspect to consider for maintaining a sound overall healthy being. Even with good dental care, you might experience dental issues due to ageing or heredity, hence it is necessary to visit the right dentist for the best treatment and the regular dental checkup routine. If you consider California and specifically, Tracy, many dental clinics 5 TIPS TO FIND THE RIGHT DENTIST


Technology has advanced tenfold in the recent digital era, and every industry is leveraging the latest technological innovations to produce optimum output. The healthcare industry and dental care are not exceptions as dentistry has evolved with painless dental treatments using modern-day technology. One such disruptive technology used in the field of dentistry is lasers. Lasers DEBUNKING LASER DENTISTRY MYTHS