adolescent oral health fact sheet

Should I brush my teeth before or after Breakfast?

Brushing is the most critical step in the entire oral care hygiene for optimal maintenance of dental health. The technique of brushing and flossing is important and widely discussed, but the right time to brush your teeth is not discussed enough.     Many people brush their teeth before breakfast, and some prefer brushing after breakfast. Should I brush my teeth before or after Breakfast?

What is laser gum recontouring?

Who does not want a beautiful smile, especially in today’s age, where the most toxic trait one could have is to spread happiness with a beautiful smile? It is true that all are beautiful however we are, but some of us do face certain problems. By now, we all know that everyone has a different What is laser gum recontouring?

How to Identifying Dental Emergencies?

Dental emergencies don’t occur most often, but if they do, you’ll need to visit a dentist. Seeking a dental practice that is accessible at all times of the night or getting a dentist on call could be out of the question, making the emergency all the more pressing.   Dental emergencies may be distressing, as well as How to Identifying Dental Emergencies?

How does Losing Tooth relate to Dementia?

Did you know that restoring missing teeth might reduce your chances of developing dementia? A new study has shown a relationship between missing teeth and dementia development. You are less prone to get the neurological disorder if you have more teeth. If you have dementia, fixing your missing teeth with dental restorations may help reduce How does Losing Tooth relate to Dementia?


Someone in the United States has a stroke every 40 seconds, and someone dies of a stroke every 4 minutes. Sounds horrifying, right? Something more amazing is that the stroke could be due to poor oral health conditions. Yeah, you read it right! Your oral health can have an impact on your heart health and CONNECTION BETWEEN STROKE & ORAL HEALTH


Do you breathe via nose? Or do you breathe through your mouth? Have a check on your respiratory habits. The nose and mouth are the two passages for the airflow to the lungs. The nostrils in the nose filter out the air you breathe and inhales oxygen for the body to survive and exhale carbon HOW TO STOP MOUTH BREATHING?

How to Manage Your Teen’s Dental Health Habits – Elite Dental Care Tracy

dental health

Of all the health issues common to adolescents, dental health has not seemed to receive much attention. Tobacco use, sexually transmitted infections, and type II diabetes can manifest in the mouth, and many of these lesions mimic other illnesses. Typically, a young teen has about 28 off 32 permanent teeth, excluding the last 4 teeth How to Manage Your Teen’s Dental Health Habits – Elite Dental Care Tracy