Three Medical Issues That Can Arise from Poor Dental Health 
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3 April 2024

Three Medical Issues That Can Arise from Poor Dental Health 

Three Medical Issues That Can Arise from Poor Dental Health

One of the major reasons people should maintain their dental health is that it is directly linked to the health of their hearts. If you are not taking proper care of your dental health, your blood pressure levels rise drastically.  

Blood pressure levels swell when the amount of blood that is being pumped by the heart increases. Therefore, to prevent or mitigate hypertension, which could lead to several health issues, including cardiovascular diseases, dental well-being is very essential.  

Poor dental health increases your risk of being afflicted with periodontal disease, which occurs when the gums of your teeth get infected and inflamed. It happens because the soft tissue surrounding the teeth is harmed. Periodontitis can, in turn, lead to your jawbone being broken and subsequently loss of teeth.   

Take good care of your oral health also to decrease the risk of tooth decay, which happens when teeth deteriorate because of dental plaque. Plaque is caused by bacteria that is continuously forming on your teeth owing to particles from leftover food and . If you visit your dentist often to get dental check-ups, floss daily, and brush twice a day, you lower the risk of tooth decay.